Bratwurst Dumpling Soup

Stir the sausage mixture with the milk until smooth and season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Sauté the finely diced onion and parsley in the melted butter and add to the sausage mixture. Gradually add the egg and breadcrumbs and season with nutmeg. Cut dumplings from the dough and cook in the boiling beef … Read more

Mango Sheep Cheese Dessert

Remove the peel and core from the mango, puree the flesh with the sheep’s cream cheese and orange juice in a blender. Divide among 3 dessert bowls, garnish with walnut halves and honey.

Stangenzell Vegetables

Wash and clean the celery. Nut leave the very tender leaves on. Cut longer stalks in half. Heat oil. Add peeled, diced onions. Peel carrots. Cut into slices. Also sauté. Add grated lemon peel. Fill up with clear soup. Add celery. Steam for 25 to 30 minutes until soft. Peel tomatoes, cut out stem end. … Read more

Millet Cream with Fruit

For the millet cream, add the millet flour to the cold milk and simmer slowly, stirring constantly. Add the honey and the grated lemon peel and let it cool down. Cut the fruit into small pieces, fold into the millet porridge with the whipped cream. Pour into dessert bowls and garnish each with a slice … Read more

Vegetable Fritters with Pumpkin Chutney

Mix kitchen herbs, flour, cornstarch and salt in a baking bowl. Add half of the water, stir until smooth. Add remaining water, stir to form a smooth dough. Cover and let stand at room temperature for about thirty min. Coarsely chop vegetables, stir into the dough together with grated lemon zest. Preheat the stove to … Read more

Avocado Cream

For the avocado cream, cut avocado in half. Scoop out the flesh and mash finely with a fork. Sprinkle with the juice of one lemon. Wash the herbs, spin dry and chop finely. Finely grate the celery and add half of it to the avocado. Stir all the ingredients into the cream except for a … Read more

Chickpea Soup with Noodles

Soak the chickpeas in cold water the day before. The next day, strain and cook in the boiling soup until soft. Meanwhile, cut the leeks into rings. Wash spinach leaves, drain and cut a few times. Finely chop the scallions. Once the chickpeas are cooked until soft, add the leek rings as well as the … Read more

Parisian Escalope

For the Parisian cutlet, place the cutlets on a cutting board and trim away any fat or sinew residue with a sharp knife. Lightly flatten the cutlets with a mallet. Season with salt on both sides and place on a plate. Pour some flour on another plate, beat the eggs in another soup plate, season … Read more

Apple Red Cabbage Sheet Cake

For the apple-red cabbage sheet cake, remove the puff pastry from the refrigerator approx. 10 min. before use and preheat the oven to 220°C. Slice the red cabbage or cut into thin strips. Sauté the onion in a pot with the butter until translucent. Add apples and sauté for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Deglaze … Read more