Chicken Fricassee with Tomato Risotto

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



(approx. 35 min.) Cut the chicken breast into coarse cubes. Rub the mushrooms and champignons well with a paper towel and cut them into quarters.

Remove the skin from the salsify well, make al dente in milk, drain well and cut into pieces. Slice the tops and bottoms of the snow peas, blanch in lightly salted water until al dente and drain well. Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and finely dice.

Steam the long grain rice in hot olive oil until translucent*, fill with tomato juice, toss lightly until the liquid is absorbed, add a small amount of chicken stock, diced tomatoes and Parmesan, season to taste, fill into a mug and keep warm.

Peel onion, dice finely, sauté in hot olive oil until translucent*. Add meat, sauté, add mushrooms, dust with flour, pour in poultry stock, bring to the boil and add milk. Season with salt and pepper. Clean and cut off the celery, mix with the snow peas and salsify. Put the risotto on a plate in the middle and arrange the egg mixture around it.

(*= sauté a little bit, fry briefly – remark of the creator of the recipe).

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