Boil fish stock, white wine and whipping cream at high temperature open to one third. Grate half of the lime zest, add to the sauce form, simmer on low heat for 4 min. Pour through a sieve, fold in lime juice and set aside. Cut monkfish fillet into 12 medallions of 50 g each, sprinkle with juice of one lemon. Coarsely crush coriander seeds, mix with sesame seeds uns d on a flat plate. Turn medallions in it to the other side and press well until smooth. Heat clarified butter, fry medallions at low temperature for 2 min on each side, continue frying at 180 °C in the oven for 8 min. In the meantime, clean and finely dice cilies. Boil lime sauce, remove from heat and thicken (assemble) with pieces of ice-cold butter. Add the chili cubes. Pour the sauce onto warmed plates and arrange the monkfish medallions on top. Serve with beet vegetables and potato patties.
Elegant, quick, simple meal. Good to prepare ahead.
By the way, did you know that clarified butter is made by extracting water, milk protein and milk sugar from butter?