From Leftover Vegetables + Sausages: Casserole

Pasta dishes are always delicious! Peel the tomatoes and cut into slices, cut the leftover sausage or ham into strips. Layer with the mixed vegetables and the pasta in a buttered gratin dish. Sprinkle each layer with the spices and pour on the clear soup. Peel the garlic and cut it into slices. Grate the … Read more

Fennel and Minced Meat Gratin

For the fennel and mince gratin, clean and wash the fennel, cut into pieces and cook in vegetable soup until soft. Fry the onions with the minced meat in oil, add salt and pepper. Add the tomato paste, pour some vegetable soup and simmer for about 3 minutes. Mix with the fennel, put in a … Read more

Soup of the Bride Ezo (Ezo Gelin Corbasi)

Dice the onion and carrot and sauté in butter in a large pot. Add the bulgur and the lentils. Briefly fry the tomato paste and paprika powder and pour in the beef broth. Simmer the soup over low heat for about 10 minutes, until bulgur and lentils are cooked soft. Season to taste with sea … Read more

Spicy Cheese Fritters

For savory cheese fritters, bring milk to a boil with 40 g butter and salt, then stir in flour with wooden spoon. Stir constantly until the dough separates from the utensils and cooking spoon. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add 30 grams of butter, eggs, Parmesan cheese and cayenne pepper to make a firmer … Read more

Panama Cake

A simple but delicious cake recipe: Break the chocolate into small pieces and let them melt. Beat the eggs with the sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy, fold in the remaining ingredients and the chocolate until fluffy, fill the dough into a cake springform pan lined with parchment paper and place in the preheated oven. … Read more

Hazelnut Yogurt Ice Cream

Roast the hazelnuts and grate finely. Whip the cream until stiff, stir the yogurt with the hazelnuts and honey and carefully fold in the whipped cream. Fill the amount into an oblong mold lined with parchment paper and freeze. To serve, invert the mold, remove the paper and cut the ice cream into slices about … Read more

Chicken Breast in Creamed Spinach

For the chicken breast in creamed spinach, first heat oil in a large frying pan and sauté onions until translucent. Add chicken fillet and fry until crispy on both sides. Cook pasta in salted water until al dente, drain and let drain. Add spinach to the frying pan, heat, season vigorously with wine, salt and … Read more

Mussel Skewers

For the mussel skewers, first wash and finely chop the parsley. Wash the mussels. Carefully clean the mushrooms with a brush and cut off the stems. Squeeze the lemon. Make a broth with white wine, olive oil, parsley, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Add mussels and simmer with lid on for about … Read more