Pulverize oregano, new spice, cumin, cloves and thyme in an electric coffee grinder, otherwise use a mortar. Coarsely chop the onion and garlic.
Wearing rubber gloves, remove seeds and stems from chili peppers, rinse peppers under running water, then briefly shake dry – do not pat dry. Heat heavy iron skillet until a drop of water on the surface bursts on the spot and fizzles. Roast chili peppers, 2 at a time, for 15 seconds on each side, pressing down with a spatula. The adhering water should evaporate completely. However, the pods must not burn, otherwise they will become bitter. Put the roasted chili peppers in a suitable bowl and cover with boiling hot water to a height of about 2.5 cm, allow to swell for 20 minutes.
Drain and put in a hand mixer form. Add the garlic, herbs, onion, vinegar, salt and 80 ml of water and blend for 3 minutes. If it is not fine enough, add more water by the tablespoon, scrape off any residue from the sides of the machine and blend again.
Then pass the puree through a sieve with a wooden spoon (medium mesh size). Refrigerate 300 ml of puree for later with the lid closed, put the rest in container that will also loosely fit the lamb.
Dry the lamb and season with salt and pepper. To