Place all ingredients in a bowl or on a non-greasy work surface. Mix with your hands and quickly work into a shortcrust pastry. Cover and let rest in refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours. On floured work surface or between 2 baking mats, roll out dough thinly with rolling pin. Sweep off excess flour with a flour whisk or brush before cutting. Cut out any shapes you like. Place on prepared baking sheet and bake in preheated oven at 165 to 175 °C for 12 to 15 minutes until light brown under supervision. Spread jam on one side of half of the thalers and place the other half on top. Cover with chocolate icing or dip half in it. Variation: prepare cookies as described above. Before assembling, cover with marzipan paste. Mix 180 g raw marzipan, 40 g powdered sugar and 1 cl cherry schnapps and roll out very thinly between two baking mats or a thicker vacuum bag and cut out in the size of the cookies. Cover assembled cookies with chocolate icing.
Preparation Tip:
If you use grated hazelnuts instead of the grated almonds, you will transform the almond thalers into nut thalers in no time.