For the Spitzkrautpfandl with Speckfleckerln cut the onion into fine strips, the bacon into small cubes. Clean the pointed cabbage, remove the coarse outer leaves and cut or finely slice the cabbage into small speckles.
Heat not too little lard or oil and sauté the onion strips with a pinch of sugar. Deglaze with a dash of vinegar and/or white wine, bring to the boil briefly and then add the pointed cabbage. Salt, pepper and season with caraway seeds if desired. Cover and steam for approx. 15 minutes until firm to the bite (see tip). Stir repeatedly and add a little beef broth or water if necessary (but not too much, the cabbage should not become too liquid).
In the meantime, cook the Fleckerl in salted water according to instructions until al dente. Drain and leave to drain. Fry bacon in a pan with little or no fat. Add Fleckerl, season and toss briefly. Before serving, stir into the cabbage and season everything again.
The Spitzkrautpfandl with Speckfleckerln is best served with a fresh leaf salad.
Preparation Tip:
Instead of the tender pointed cabbage, any other cabbage can be used, although the cooking time will be slightly longer accordingly. Firmer cabbage could also be blanched (scalded) briefly in salted water before roasting.