Sweet and Sour Pork

600 g marbled pork neck Szetschuan pepper from the mill Fat for frying Yield: From the outside 1. cut the meat into 2 cm cubes, season with salt and szechu pepper. 2. mix the beaten egg with the meat and dust it with the starch. Put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. 4. bake … Read more

Roast Pork with Beer Sauce

For the roast pork with beer sauce preheat the oven to 80 °C. Preheat a plate for the roast in it. Heat the fat in a frying pan. Brown the meat properly on all sides. Put it on the preheated plate. Dissolve the gravy with the beer. Season with salt and pepper. Pour over the … Read more

Black Salsify Soup – After Odette

Scrape the salsify and immediately put them in strongly lemon-infused salted water to keep them white. Cut them into small pieces. Boil them together with bones, a piece of beef, or whatever you have on hand. With butter, flour and this bone broth you make a creamy flowing roux, which becomes quite round with enough … Read more

Apple Pie with Cream Glaze

Try this delicious cake recipe: For the shortcrust dough, quickly knead the ingredients together, form a dough ball and rest the dough in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Then roll out the dough to a thickness of about 4 mm and line a greased conical cake tin (26 cm ø) with the rolled … Read more

Sole with Scallops and Black Salsify Salad

Skin and fillet the sole. Finely dice salmon fillet without skin and bones. Season the diced salmon meat with salt, white pepper, a pinch of cayenne and a few drops of toasted sesame oil and freeze for at least ¼ hour. Remove the muscle and the intestines from the scallops. Slice the leeks lengthwise, rinse … Read more

Gazpacho – Cold Vegetable Soup

Soak the white bread with the tomato juice and put in the hand mixer form. Then add the beef tomatoes and the seeded and peeled cucumber and whisk. gradually add the cleaned and coarsely diced remaining vegetables and whisk. Stir in olive oil and balsamic vinegar and season with pepper, salt and Tabasko. Strain the … Read more

Cream Slices

Soak gelatine in cold water. Beat vanilla pulp, egg yolks, eggs, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, rum and salt over steam, first hot, then cold, until fluffy. Squeeze gelatine, heat in about 50 ml water and add. Gently stir in whipped cream. Pour vanilla cream into an approx. 30 x 20 cm rectangular mold and chill … Read more

Chocolate Foam Dream

For the chocolate foam dream, preheat the oven to 180 °C top/bottom heat. Separate the eggs. For the dough, mix the yolks with the powdered sugar and butter until fluffy. Mix the grated almonds with flour and baking powder and stir into the yolk mixture, then the melted chocolate. Finally, beat egg whites until stiff … Read more

Quinoa Loaf with Herb Cream Sauce and Salad

For the quinoa loaf with herb cream sauce, steam the quinoa without salt in water for 15 minutes until soft, then allow to cool. Finely chop the onion and cut the ham into small pieces. Stir the quinoa with the chopped onions, grated cheese, ham and corn. Add flour and breadcrumbs to thicken and season … Read more