Machos – Men Nachos with Chili Con Cheese

For the machos, first peel the garlic and finely chop with the chili pepper. Wash the bell bell pepper, cut in half, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. Heat pan, fry meat without fat until the liquid has evaporated, then add oil and garlic and diced peppers and fry until golden brown. Stir … Read more

Herb Curd Cream

Dilute curd with milk, mix in yolks and season with salt and pepper. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into curd mixture. Finely chop the herbs and mix with the curd cream.

Nougat Cubes

Resting time: 12 hours Cut the marzipan into small pieces and knead together with the powdered sugar and the ginger jelly. Cut the nougat (you can use layered nougat to vary the taste) into 50 cubes. Roll out the marzipan between cling film 2 mm thin and cut into 100 squares the size of the … Read more

Mini Magic Cake Banoffee Pie

For the mini magic cake Banoffee Pie, first preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Crumble the cookies. Cut the banana into thin slices. Melt the butter and set aside. Separate the egg whites and yolks. For the batter, beat the egg yolks with the sugar until foamy. Add the melted butter, then the flour in … Read more

Fried Mushroom Heads

twice each through egg mixture and crushed white bread, bake in deep fat until done and finish with chopped parsley. For the dip, mix chopped kitchen herbs with juice of one lemon, mayo, salt and pepper and arrange on a flat plate. Our tip: If you like to cook with fresh herbs, it’s best to … Read more

Saddle of Venison

For the saddle of venison, cream the butter and sugar. Separate the eggs, gradually add the yolks to the butter-sugar mixture and briefly stir in the almonds. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. Alternately, fold the flour mixed with the baking powder and the beaten egg whites into the batter. … Read more

Melon with Curry Chicken

Cut the melons in half and remove the seeds. Cut little small on the lower sides of the melon halves so that they stand straight on the plate. In a baking bowl, mix the mayo well with the curry, salt and pepper and season with the juice of one lemon. Add the diced apple and … Read more

Chicken Soup

For the chicken soup, wash soup chicken and pat dry with paper towels. If the chicken is not yet divided, cut into coarse pieces. Now heat some oil in a large pot and fry chicken pieces until hot and add 2 liters of water. Bring the soup to a boil and then reduce the heat. … Read more

Buttermilk Tartlet

For the buttermilk tartlets, soak the gelatin in water. Mix the buttermilk with the remaining ingredients. Soften the gelatine in a little water and quickly stir into the mixture. Pour into ramekins and chill. For the kiwi ragout, peel and cut the kiwi and marinate with Maraschino. Turn out the buttermilk cakes from the ramekins … Read more